Trails of cold steel ps4

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Más productos relacionados con trails of cold steel ps4 para ti

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV - Frontline Edition

47,0 €

  • Libro de arte
  • Música descargable de “Echoes of Erebonia”
  • Carátula reversible
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Extracurricular Edition

59,9 €

  • Mini Libro de arte de 20 pág
  • Carta lenticular animada
  • Caratula reversible con arte alternativo
Little Nightmares II - Edición Día 1

34,9 €

  • Mini banda sonora original
  • Acceso a la sala secreta de los nomos
The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel [Importación Inglesa]

46,42 €

  • A World Rich in Depth for Veterans and Newcomers Alike: The events of Trails of Cold Steel are expertly told so that longtime Trails veterans and newcomers to the series alike can equally enjoy its detailed, highly nuanced storyline.
  • New Link System Adds Depth to Combat: Take advantage of the Combat Link System by bonding with allies throughout the school year, netting a variety of combat benefits including healing, guarding and more.
  • A Sleek Update to a Classic Growth Mechanic: Trails of Cold Steel streamlines the classic Orbment magic system from previous titles with new ARCUS units, allowing for more ready access to abilities and quicker customization.
  • Cross-Save Makes Playing Anywhere Possible: Trails of Cold Steel was developed with Cross-Save for both the PS3 and PlayStation Vita