Ps4 edicion kingdom hearts

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Más productos relacionados con ps4 edicion kingdom hearts para ti

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Iberica Jump Force Edicion Estandar + Square Enix Kingdom Hearts 3 PS4

32,19 €

  • Descubre mundos de Disney y Pixar: Embárcate en una aventura por el universo Disney; Viaja por los distintos mundos para protefferlos de la invasión de los sincorazón y entabla amistad con los héroes de Toy Story, Monstruos, Big Hero 6
  • Usa el poder de las llaves espada: Las misteriosas llaves espada ahora pueden transformarse y adoptar nuevas habilidades, movimientos y animaciones adicionales. ¡Equipa varias llaves espada a la vez para desbloquear ataques espectaculares!
  • Siente la magia: Lanza impactantes hechizos mágicos para enfrentarte a los sincorazón; Llama a tus amigos para que te echen una mano. Cambia las tornas en la batalla utilizando las nuevas atracciones inspiradas en los parques temáticos.
  • Combates trepidantes cargados de acción: Explora los mundos de Disney-Pixar e interactúa directamente con ellos. Lucha contra bandadas de sincorazón mientras escalas acantilados, buceas bajo el agua o caes en picado por el aire
Kingdom Hearts III PS4

14,9 €

  • Embark on an adventure that spans the Disney universe: Travel across Disney and Pixar worlds to protect them from the Heartless invasion, and befriend and join heroes from Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Big Hero 6, Tangled, Hercules, and more!
  • The mysterious and powerful Keyblades can now transform into additional forms with new abilities, moves, and animations. Equip multiple Keyblades and combo between them to unlock spectacular attacks!
  • Cast visually stunning, powerful magic spells to battle the Heartless. Call upon Disney-Pixar friends and partner with them for support. Turn the tide of combat by summoning all-new ""Attractions"" inspired by the theme parks.
  • Explore and interact directly with the Disney-Pixar worlds. Fight off swarms of Heartless while scaling massive cliffs, diving deep underwater, or even freefalling through the air. Experience unique gameplay elements custom designed for each new worl...
  • Take a break from saving the world with over 20 minigames inspired by classic Disney short films
Secret of Mana - PlayStation 4 [Importación inglesa]

19,97 €

  • Audio Updates including a newly arranged musical score and voiced characters
  • 3D Graphics - revamped visuals for the entire game; a vivid, Mana-filled world rebuilt in 3D for the first time
  • Upgraded Gameplay the original system has been reworked in an effort to realise a modern action-RPG with improved gameplay
  • Dialog Scenes Added several core scenes from the original story now newly visualised in-game
  • Interlude Episodes brand-new conversations showing the amusing interactions between Randi and his comrades as they travel between adventures
Kingdom Hearts: The Story so far - PlayStation 4 [Importación inglesa]

24,28 €

  • KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories
  • KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (HD Remastered cinematics)
  • KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep Final MIX
Kingdom Hearts - Figura Plush: Shadow

70,19 €

  • Square Enix Disney Kingdom Hearts 9.5 Shadow Stuffed Plush