Fort boyard

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Más productos relacionados con fort boyard para ti

Escape Game - Fort Boyard

39,54 €

  • Personalize your gaming experience by customizing your team
  • challenging Reflection Trials like the maze or the Mummy will put your brain Cells to a hard test
  • you will need to use all your DEXterity to triumph over intense skill mini-games like rodeo Dino and car Wars
  • strength Trials like excalibur and the punching-ball will ask you to Surpass yourself
  • playing with friends and family has never been so easy and fun!.split screen is available on various mini-games for an enhanced multiplayer experience
Fort Boyard Lansay - Juego de Cartas

17,53 €

  • Juego de 100 cartas alrededor del universo Fort Boyard, también contiene 1 reloj de arena y 1 folleto de reglas.
  • Juega de 2 a 6 jugadores.
  • A partir de 7 años.