Pastel purple

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Más productos relacionados con pastel purple para ti

Twistshake Straw Cup Vaso de Aprendizaje para Beber con Antiderrame Boquilla con Silicona Pajita 360 ml, Taza de Entrenamiento para Sorber para Bebé, Sin BPA, 6 + Meses, Púrpura Pastel

12,99 €

  • SIN DERRAMES - El vaso con pajita de Twistshake tiene un sello de silicona inteligente entre la pajita y la tapa que evita fugas. ¡Perfecto para el estilo de vida activo de su hijo!
  • TAPA DE TIRO - Abra y cierre con un simple tirón. Cierra herméticamente y también actúa como asa.
  • PAJA SUAVE - La pajita de silicona suave con una forma pretensada hace que beber sea fácil. Disponible para comprar por separado.
  • CUELLO DE BOTELLA EXTRA ANCHO - Gracias a las amplias aberturas, esta taza para bebés o niños pequeños se puede lavar fácilmente. Apto para lavavajillas en la rejilla superior.
  • DETALLES DEL PRODUCTO - 1 paquete contiene 1 vaso con pajita Twistshake. Dimensiones y peso: 8 x 8 x 17,2 cm, 172 g. Material: Polipropileno, Silicona, Elastómero Termoplástico. Color: Púrpura Pastel.
Manic Panic - Purple Haze Classic Creme Vegan Cruelty Free Semi Permanent Hair Dye 118ml

13,3 €

  • Purple Haze is a warm, very dark purple dye that leaves purple tones on virgin, unbleached hair. For best results, we recommend lightening hair to medium level 7 blonde or lighter before use.
  • Mixable colours and tones: All Manic Panic hair colours are safe to mix to create custom shades, making the possibilities of shades endless! Combine any formula with the manic mixer/pastel-izer to create soft, on-trend pastel hues. Ready to use, no d...
  • Semi permanent hair dye: This semi permanent hair dye formula gradually fades in 4-6 weeks because it does not penetrate the cortex of your hair, but simply rests on top of the hair shaft.
  • Cruelty free, vegan formula: This colour cream hair dye features vegan ingredients tested on celebrities, not animals. Made in the USA, hair colour is PPD & ammonia-free, paraben-free, gluten-free resorcinol-free, and phthalate-free.
  • Additional Features: Benefits of Conditioning Hair, Resealable Tub For Longer Use, Comes With Instructions
PINK Gellac color 242 Pastel Purple esmalte pintauñas gel permanente 14

10,9 €

  • Color de pintauñas permanente Pink Gellac 242 Pastel Purple
Manic Panic - Pastel-Izer/ Mixer Creme Vegan Cruelty Free Semi Permanent Hair Pasteliser, Achieve a Lighter Colour, 118ml

13,3 €

  • Blend our award-winning Manic Mixer/Pastel-izer with any colour to achieve a lighter, pastel tint that is totally on-trend. This product works best when you use a whole jar of Pastelizer with just a few drops of your desired colour.
  • For Best Results: Use on bleached or very light hair to achieve the desired colour. Combine any formula with the manic mixer/pastel-izer to create soft, on-trend pastel hues. Ready to use, no developer required.
  • Semi permanent hair dye: This semi permanent hair dye formula gradually fades in 4-6 weeks because it does not penetrate the cortex of your hair, but simply rests on top of the hair shaft.
  • Cruelty free, vegan formula: This colour cream hair dye features vegan ingredients tested on celebrities, not animals. Made in the USA, hair colour is PPD & ammonia-free, paraben-free, gluten-free resorcinol-free, and phthalate-free.
  • Additional Features: Benefits of Conditioning Hair, Resealable Tub For Longer Use, Comes With Instructions. Store in a cool dry place.