Bye bye pelos

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Más productos relacionados con bye bye pelos para ti


15,38 €

  • Tratamiento para el pelo champú mantenimiento antipiojos. Formulado para crear un ambiente desfavorable para los piojos. Su fórmula a base de aceites esenciales de menta, lavanda y mentol, más los extractos biológicos de yedra y abedul , hacen de est...
L'Action Paris Bye Bye Grey Hair Dark brown

7,5 €

  • L’Action Paris offers three moments to take care of yourself : ONE MINUTE SOLUTION, SPA TIME, and OVERNIGHT SOLUTIONS. Our customers are invited to have an active attitude during those three moments. They will also customize the products to their own...
  • Our products have already proved their worth over the past ten years in around 30 countries around the world. In addition to French manufacturing quality, L’Action Paris has focused on a light, modern and playful packaging that offers products that a...
  • A unique semi-permanent hair touch-up formula that causes your hair to gradually adopt the colour, making it last longer with each application. You can colour your hair from root to tip in minutes and cover those sneaky greys. With the colour looking...
  • This semi-permanent touch up covers grey hair and discolored hair roots. Its formula is water-resistant and enables the color to last several days, depending on shampooing frequency. Little by little the hair adopts the dye color, making it last long...
  • Four shades are available: black, dark brown, light brown, and medium brown. Isododecane : makes the product water resistant
Schwarzkopf Professional BONACURE ph 4.5 - Champú Color Silver Freeze, 1 L

17,13 €

  • Tratamiento capilar Schwarzkopf
  • Tratamiento capilar Peluquería unisex
  • SKPF BC COLOR FREEZE CH SILVER 1000ML (4045787430059)
Fanola Mascarillas (Anti Amarillo Mascarilla 1000ml)

14,5 €

  • Entfernt unerwünschte Gelbtöne
  • Verleiht dem Haar Weichheit und Geschmeidigkeit
  • Verstärkt die Schutzfunktionen des Haares
  • Verleiht den Glanz
  • 1000ml